Well firstly some photos from my design board of what it is I'm building, most of the bikes I've photographed myself at
Yorkshire Classic trials or at the
Pre65 SSDT. the style I am trying to recreate is best exampled by the top bike. Mine will almost certainly though have white plastic guards front and rear as well as an alloy tank with a white crescent.
Just to even things up a bit after posting the last update I realised i'd missed a few suppliers out.. so best pop them in to create a fair view of whats been bought.. no expenditure figures until the end so that in best 'Grand Designs' fashion I can boast of only using 80% of my contingency fund!

Anyway more bearings via ebay from
EBR, 18mm with 13mm shank drill bit via ebay from
Uk Drills ( this for a fantastic piece of bespoke metal work and fabrication from the countries leading steam boat engineer! more to follow in a special piece soon) rubber washers from
Naoutlet All these suppliers delivered within 48 hours of making a Paypal payment.

Finally the only personIi've done face to face business with the brilliant Andy at
Pennine Trialsport although not specifically into pre65 or twin shocks he has a fantastic background knowledge and is more than happy to root through his parts bins for something off the peg! the bike now sports a GasGas chain tensioner and an aluminium Sherco rear spindle that weighs a third of the originally proposed steel one. all thanks to Andys' perseverance.( and they fit first time with no modification!) to complete the theme i'm searching for something from the other three manufacturers that will also fit the bike. ( Beta, Scorpa, Montesa)

The rear spindle did give us our first 'proper' engineering problem/ solutions and when I have a moment I'll go a little further but it did involve a 180 mile round trip and a day out in the Lake District..
Photos..well I've taken loads on my new Nikon all I have to do now is get the pooter and camera to speak to each other, so when they come they will probably all come at once..
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